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更新时间:2023-10-04 16:34


  故事发生在1979年的一座工业小镇上,接连出现的因白血病而死亡的病例惹得居民们人心惶惶,大家都知道,镇上那两家整日排放着污水的大工厂和这些悲剧脱不了干系。在庞大的工厂体系面前,个人是如此的渺小,可是即便如此,失去了日子后,安妮(凯瑟琳·奎南 Kathleen Quinlan 饰)毅然决定联手镇上的8个受害者家庭,对两家工厂提起了诉讼。  没有律师愿意接受这样棘手的案例,除了胜算渺小外,他们也不愿意惹上不必要的麻烦,只有一个人是例外,他就是简斯里特曼(约翰·特拉沃塔 John Travolta 饰)。简花费了大量的人力和财力调查两家工厂的日常排水,在证据确凿之后,却因为被告方的暗度陈仓而输了官司,简失去了一切,金钱,家庭,名誉,但他并没有放弃。


 1 ) Some Instructions before Watching

   Civil Action is, I think, one of the best movies about how American law really works. The movie is based on a book (the same name)—and the book is based on a true story.
The movie tells the story of pollution in a small town in Massachusetts. In this town young children get sick and die of cancer. The mothers and fathers think that maybe they are dying because a factory’s polluting the water in the town. A young lawyer (played by the actor John Travolta) becomes the lawyer for the families.
The lawyer brings a lawsuit to ask a U.S. court to order that companies that were responsible for the pollution stop the pollution and pay the families damages. The kind of lawsuit is called a “toxic tort” lawsuit—because the plaintiffs say that they were harmed (tort) by poisonous chemicals (you du de).
There are many interesting and important things that we can learn about and discuss from the movie. These things include:
(1) Career Model: “Plaintiffs” John Travolta is a “plaintiffs lawyer.” He represents people who do not have the money to pay for lawyers. He spends his own (and his small law firm’s) money to do the work. In exchange he hopes to get paid well if the lawsuit is won.
In watching the movie, think about: (1) why is John Travolta being a plaintiffs lawyer (to become rich or famous, to help people, both?) (2) what strategy do the lawyers for the defendant companies use to oppose John Travolta? (3) what are the moral issues John Travolta has when the lawsuit becomes very expensive and John Travolta’s law firm has little money left?
(2) Tool: Discovery.
As we have discussed, one of the most important and special features in American law is “discovery.” The American rules of civil procedure (Federal and state) provide that before the parties go to trial, they should be able to get all the information they need about the case. In many cases, including probably the most complicated civil cases , the parties do not go to trial—they settle the case after they take discovery and find out how strong (or weak) their case is, and how strong (or weak) the case for the other side is.
Basically, in discovery, a party can get information from the other side in three ways:
a) Deposition. In a deposition a party gets to ask questions of people. The people can be the defendant (including officials of a company or of the government, if the defendant is company or government) or a “third party.” The testimony is like court testimony—the witness has to tell the truth, and a record is kept. But there is no judge or jury present.
  Depositions can be very very useful and powerful. The court can order that even the most important people (government or companies) have to make themselves available for deposition. (As you may recall, when he was being sued by a woman, President Bill Clinton had to testify at a deposition). In depositions about environmental pollution by a company, a plaintiff’s lawyer can find out things that the government (or the newspapers or public) do not know.
b) Documents. In addition to asking questions of witnesses, parties conduct “documentary” discovery. They can ask the other side (or a third party, though court approval may be needed)) for documents that may be related to the case. (Today, of course, documents include emails and other “e-documents.”)
c) “Interrogatories.” Finally, in discovery parties can ask each other to answer—in writing-written questions.
In the movie we will see how depositions work. You will see how John Travolta tries to get information from the company witnesses, and how the company lawyers try to depose the families of the children who died. This is an example of the way it really is.
(3) Tool: Expert witnesses.
                The families live near polluted water. The children die. The families and John Travolta have a simple argument-- the companies polluted the water, the children drank the water, the children died.
The companies have lots of money for lawyers and experts. They argue that it is much more complicated. The companies did not pollute the water. If they polluted the water, the children did not get sick and die from the water –the children had many other reasons to get sick.

(4) Strategy. I will not tell you how the movie ends, but the movie—again based on a true story—shows that in real life sometimes things work out differently than what lawyers plan for.
(5) Settlement and settlement strategy. As the Movie explains, most cases do not go trial—but are settled before the judge or jury has to decide. In many cases this is because in discovery the parties can learn about each other’s case, and see how strong or weak the cases are. A good part of the movie is about the way in which both sides go about trying to settle the case. Watch carefully
(6) Lawyer personalities. A great part of the movie is watching the differences between the key lawyers-“Jan,” “Mr. Cheeseman” and Mr. Facher. In America lawyers have many different styles. Watch these different styles-see what you like and what you don’t. Is what you like most effective-or maybe what you don’t like?
(7) Moral Questions
   The movie presents very good examples of moral questions. They include:
~~What kind of methods can or should lawyers who oppose “public interest” lawyers use?
~~What should a “public interest” lawyer do when his/her interest in survival (having enough money) comes in conflict with client interest?
~~What should public interest lawyers and clients do when the defendant offers to settle the case—and the settlement may help lawyer or client, but maybe not the larger public interest.

 2 ) 喜欢约翰屈伏塔


 3 ) 从陪审制度看西方诉讼











 4 ) 数星星还是蛮快乐的?





对于 A Civil Action 印象最深的其实是开头那个镜头(也有可能是因为b站卡顿我看了三遍),短短几句话把一个侵权律师的心态描绘的淋漓尽致,之后的剧情反而削弱了这种惊艳感(如果把展示律师多么有钱的镜头分几个来展示律师如何在这样的心态下办案可能会更好?)。

 5 ) Before the Claim

The Aberjona River was actually well known to have been contaminated since the mid to late 1800s, well into the 1980s with many tanneries and chemical plants. Even in the late 1890's reports from the State Board of Health documented death from cholera and typhoid from drinking water supplies contaminated with wastes from the tanneries. Hard to believe that the town used well water from near that river. The wells were closed, but after children died, and before the lawsuit.

This film is essentially about Massachusetts pre-trial procedure. To my knowledge some American professors have built the whole dispute resolution course on the legal manoeuvrings of this case.

About Causation

The essential substantive problem with this case is causation. The rule for causation is that, a plaintiff cannot succeed unless she shows as a matter of fact that she would not have suffered the loss “but for” the negligent act or acts of the defendant.It's much more difficult than it seems to be because the test is not always about facts and the court is not always doing what it claims to do.

If taking together, plural defendants past the “but for” test and caused the accident, but the plaintiff is unable to show that any one of the possible tortfeasors in fact was the necessary or “but for” cause of her injury, then a plaintiff may succeed by showing that the defendant’s conduct materially contributed to risk of the plaintiff’s injury. But the concept of material contribution is not illustrated clearly. In this case exists an indivisible liability that causes leukaemia.

About Role Morality

I've wondered for long whether should counsel’s own moral perspective impact on the professional decision-making. If the answer is yes, how can an individual’s operative moral perspective be articulated to another person, especially in the context of a relationship founded on the pursuit of that other person’s, which is the client’s objectives?

It’s part of a counsel’s job to consider the options available, research the law and advise the client of the feasibility of their claim and the chance of success. The significance of being a counsel is to commit yourself to facilitate your client, take the client’s instructions and to resolve client’s disputes with honest and full competence. But sometimes reflecting on my factum from the perspective of an outsider I sensed subtle moral condemnation for myself. Do I believe my arguments without any shadow of doubt? Did I go in for rhetoric, make conceptual shifts and manipulate the law for the benefit of my client? Am I misrepresenting the facts, misleading the court and acting in contravention of the rules of professional conduct?

We turn the messy facts of human interaction into legal terms and shape the way disputes are understood and portrayed. Disputes are social constructs with various complexity. We have chosen to reduce and translate such constructs into pure legal disputes without any moral consideration.

There's a famous line in this film: "Whoever comes to their senses first, loses." Mr. Facher is an old, smart, vicious and most importantly, an experienced lawyer. His first reaction to the poor families' testimony is "They can never testify", because he knows the narratives would move the jury so deeply that they would be determined to allocate the loss on the big companies.

We seldom consider these questions in law school. Althoughstudents may believe that they should achieve something greater than enrolling in a law school to solve other people’s legal problems for pay, they are often immersed in semester-long focus on regulatory standards of conductand heavy academic pressure. Students are also hoping to advance or even incarnate certain ideals of political and social justice, or todevote themselves to a career that will lead to systemic change, but the training mode of amoral legal technician would only cultivate legal professionals without personal-professional integration like productions from an assembly line.

About Damages

In assessing damages to plaintiff who suffers personal injury, the important principle is putting the injured plaintiff in the position he would have been in if he had not sustained the injury.

The features of the common law of damages for personal injury, particularly the calculation framework, is a reflection of the choices we, as a society, have made. The framework mainly includes two main categories: pecuniary loss (mainly includes future health care and loss of earning) and non-pecuniary lose. We have chosen to reduce and translate living plaintiffs into assets with a price tag. The result is we know the price of everyone and the value of no one.

 6 ) 利润追逐下律师的职业价值

A civil action,在法律专业的词典里解释为“民事诉讼”,我的专业是新闻学,对法律的了解很有限,但在我看来,这部影片虽然在一些法律程序和相关知识上很专业,但其所反映出的与人性有关的内涵却具有普世的价值。金钱与良知、利润角逐与职业道德,这些二元体的对立在影片中所处可见,所以我认为与其说这是一部法律电影或是环保电影,倒不如说是一部揭示人性的电影。

作为贯穿整部影片的主人公Jan Schlichtmann,他身上所体现出的在金钱名利与职业良知间的挣扎和抉择是我印象最深的部分。最初Jan接下这个案子是因为看到了这背后可能为其带来的巨大的金钱和名声,但随着时间的进展,困难与阻力层层出现,使得现实与预期南辕北辙,Jan和他的公司也因此到了入不敷出甚至是一文不名的地步,这时候Jan的坚持就与金钱和名利毫无关联,他所坚持的是一种道德良知和职业准则,是对公平和正义的追求,是一种真正令人感动的人性。我想Jan的转变是一种在现实压力下对职业价值的重新思考和认识,这种转变也成就了Jan作为一个律师所能体现出的真正的职业价值。因此这篇文章我想着重探讨的就是在金钱最大化这种浪潮下律师真正的职业价值。

影片的开头给我留下了很深刻的印象,体现了Jan Schlichtmann在一个案件中追求金钱最大化的表现。被告为了求和解一点一点地往上加赔偿价格,而Jan Schlichtmann却一次一次地摇头,直到感觉到对方不会再往上加才喊停。这组镜头淋漓尽致地展现了基于律师自己的利益与原告利益的捆绑这个基础,Jan Schlichtmann最大化追逐金钱的表现。当然律师作为经纪人的一种,其收入的来源主要是在最大化被代理人利益的基础上收取一定比例的利润。Jan作为一名负责人身伤害代理的律师,理所应当地会不停地要求被告提高赔偿金,因为只有这样他才能为自己和公司收获高额的利润。这是律师这个职业的一种特殊性。



Jan最后的微笑和结尾时那首节奏明快幽默的Take me to the river让我从影片开始就十分沉重的心终于放松了下来。我想这才是这部影片所想真正表达的东西,有关人性,有关选择,有关律师的价值。

 7 ) better read the book

this movie is sort of disappointing, cutting short what is intriguing in the book, e.g., well-planned interrogatory, installing a team of expert witnesses, how to finance a personal injury case, etc. sometimes justice simply can't be done, which is a depressing dose of the reality.

however the cast is impressive, from Travolta to Duvall, and of course William Macy, compensating the shortness of the adoption.

BTW did you guys notice the shots of Fenway Park? I was getting excited! Go Sox!

 8 ) For Law Seminar

从电影角度很有价值。镜头的拍摄,对话的表现方式。情节设计很巧妙,猜不透最后的结果。很爱financial advisor~最好笑的一段是:勇敢点,把脚放上来~

表现出很多。社会等级,律师道德观职业观,measure of life,是与非对与错。

老师让我们看的时候prepare answers for three questions:
1. Would you have taken the case?
2. Would you have settled? When? How would you have addressed this issue with your clients?
3. Would you want John Travolta's character or Robert Duval's character to be your lawyer? Why?

My answers would be:
1. Yes. Because the case is definitely profitable, given the fact that two large companies: Beatrice Food and W. R. Grace are involved.
2. Yes. Out of the court room, waiting for the jury's decision. I would say that I have tried my best, but I can no longer afford the huge expenses of investigation. This amount of money is a result of cost-and-benefit analysis. Though monetary value can never compensate and redeem your loss, we have tried our best to match up.
3. Robert Duval. I don't know how much a degree says, but in this movie, a lawyer from and teaches at Harvard is certainly more chill. He knows the rules, and manipulates them sometimes. He adjusts well and 扮猪吃老虎 in the legal world. 食物链中的上游. His personality and versatility speaks for everything. I don't like a lawyer who is too easy to read, and who is too eager for cases. His ignorant pride, so to speak. 身段不够柔软。



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#美领馆电影之夜#apology is more important than money?Justice?enh.

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很人性、很感人~ 至于我想象中的激情辩论可惜没有出现~ 胖子演技还真不赖啊~

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法庭上找真相是不可能的,律师应该如何做,是该寻求调解或伸张正义。很多时候遇到的难题是无法用法律战胜,但是有坚持正确的信念,就是在前进【原著 a civil action法学院必读【美剧熟脸酱油时代

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一看开头就想到大嘴罗伯茨的那个类似的电影 米国的律师真是无所不能啊。。

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lf you should fall asleep at the counsel table, the first thing you say when you wake up should be Objection.

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人道主义代表。超现实主义。唯一有用的是never go to trial

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